HomeCollective WorshipThe parable of the lost coin

The parable of the lost coin


Have you ever lost anything? How did you feel when that happened? How did the woman feel when she realised that she had lost the coin? How did she feel when she found the coin? Have you ever felt like dancing with joy because you have found something? Why did Jesus tell this story? What did we learn about God from this story?

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Noah's Ark story

(KS1) Some questions to talk about together at home... What do you think Noah's neighbours were saying when they saw him building a boat so far away from the sea? How do you think Noah and his family felt on that boat for 40 days and 40 nights? Did Noah trust God? How do rainbows make you feel when you look at them? What promise does the rainbow remind us of?

The story of Sampson: part 2

Questions to discuss: Was Delilah a good friend to Sampson? Should Sampson have trusted Delilah? Why do you think Sampson told her lies? Do you think it is ever acceptable to tell a lie? What should Sampson have done differently? Who should he have trusted?

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