Year 5

English Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th July

English Wednesday 14th July

English 9th July

Asking questions about an image

Y5 Maths 22nd March

Y5 PSHE 22nd March

Y5 Maths Friday 19th March

Y5 Maths 19th March

Y5 RE 18th March

Y5 Maths 18th March

Y5 Maths Thursday 18th

English Wednesday 17th March

English support to put sentences together using taught features

Maths Y5 Wednesday 17th March

Y5 Maths 1.3.21

Y5 Maths 2.3.21

English Tuesday 2nd March

Support for planning your letter to inform

Y5 Maths 5.3.21

Wednesday 3rd English

Support to draft a letter to inform

Y5 Maths Monday 22nd February

Y5 French 25th February

Y5 Maths Monday 8th February

Monday 8th February English - Handwriting

Modelling of correct formation and joins for letters

Y5 RE 8th February

Tuesday 9th February English lesson

How to use commas to avoid ambiguity

Y5 Maths Wednesday 10th February

Thursday 11th February English lesson

Support for memorising the poem 'I wandered lonely as a cloud'.

Y5 Maths Friday 12th February

Y5 Maths modelling of answers for 2nd February

Y5 Weekly Overview 1st February

Y5 RE 1st February

Big Write Monday 1st February

Ideas to help plan your work

Tuesday 2nd February Handwriting

Watch to remind yourself of the correct formation and joining of letters

Y5 Maths 2nd February

English 3rd February - editing and improving

Watch this to see how to edit and make changes to your first draft

Y5 Maths 4th February Thursday

Y5 Maths 5th February

Year 5 Non Core Introduction Jan 25th

Handwriting Monday 25th January

modelling correct formation of descender letters

Y5 Maths Tuesday 26th Jan

English Wednesday 27th January

Models how to make effective notes, reducing a long piece of text down to a few bullet points

Maths Y5 Thursday 28th Jan

English Thursday 28th January

Modelling how to write an introduction for a persuasive leaflet

Maths Y5 Friday 29th Jan

French Year 5 29th Jan

Introducing this week's learning!

Mrs Morris and Mrs Crawford give you an overview of this week's learning.

Monday 18th January Big Write

Maths Y5 Tuesday 19th

Tuesday 19th January handwriting

Maths Year 5 Wednesday 20th January

Thursday 21st January Geography

Thursday 21st January English

Maths Y5 Friday 22nd January

Friday 22nd January English

English Lesson 4 (Thursday)

English Tuesday - Persuasive advertisements

English Friday 15th January create your own advert

RE 11th January Acting the Easter Story

Day Four Maths Cubed Numbers

English lesson 1 - Handwriting

Day Three Squared Numbers

Welcome back Tolerance Class

Maths Day One Irregular Shapes

Welcome back Diversity Class Jan

Thursday perimeter missing lengths

Answers to the Thursday challenges

Maths challenge answers for Wednesday

Cogheart chapter 10

Reading the next part of Cogheart

Tuesday maths challenge answers - perimeter

Perimeter questions and answers explained

English - cohesive devices

A couple of examples of how to use cohesive devices to link your paragraphs.

Maths - perimeter

A reminder of how to calculate perimeter with some examples.

Watch this second - PE with Miss O

Here is the workout, Miss O is working hard, you need to as well!

Watch this one first - PE with Miss O

Move over Joe Wicks, Year 5's very own Miss O teaches PE!

Maths answers Monday bus stop questions

I show you how to work out the answers to the calculations

Guided Reading Monday

The next space text, this one is about Anousheh, a space tourist who went to stay on the ISS.

The War of the Worlds

I read the last two chapters of The War of the Worlds so you find out how it ends! You need to know this so that you can start thinking about how your own story will end. We will be writing the last part of your narrative next week.

Christmas jumper day!

Have your own party! Turn up the Christmas music and dance your socks off! Get crafty and make decorations for the tree (there are lots of videos showing you how on Youtube), ask your grown up if you can bake (mmm, mince pies or Christmas cookies... ) and of course, wear a Christmas jumper if you have one (if not wear a piece of tinsel as a scarf)! I hope you have a wonderful day.

Friday 11th December Maths

You will need your CGP Targeted question book for this Maths challenge.

Friday 11th December Guided Reading

I read the first text about Space Tourism and go through the answers to the questions after it.

English editing 10th December

If you have written the tension filled section of your story, watch this for help making sure you have included all the features of tension we discussed in class.

Guided Reading

Watch the video after you have looked at the power point, as I tell you the answers in the video!

Maths answers to Wednesday's bus stop calculations

Here are the answers to the calculations you were asked to complete on Wednesday, with explanations.

Year 5

Our overarching questions for this term are 'Does a path have to be straight? Is it ok to be lost?' The children discuss this and link it to different areas of learning.

Subtraction 2 5th Nov

Subtraction 1 4th Nov

Addition 2 3rd Nov

Addition 1 2nd Nov