Year 6

Year 6 Parent information video for SATs 2022

Return to school

Welcome to week two!

Music Lesson 5.3.21

Art 2

Chapter 14 - Reading for Pleasure

Chapter 15 - Reading for pleasure

English 4.3.21

Wednesday 3.3.21 English

Big Write 1.3.21

Reading Week B

You will find the whole week's activities here.

Chapter 12 reading for pleasure

Geography 1: Monday 1st March

Maths 2: Tuesday 2nd March

Tuesday English 2.3.21


Geography 2: Tuesday 2nd March

Maths 3: Wednesday 3rd March

RE: Wednesday 3rd March

Maths 4: Thursday 4th March

Introduction to Term 4 Week 1

Monday 22.2.21 Big Write

22.2.21 Reading lesson

Reading for pleasure chapter 10

Maths 1: Monday 22nd February

Geography: Monday 22nd February

Maths 2: Tuesday 23rd February

Tuesday's English

23.2.21 Reading Lesson

Geography: Tuesday 23rd February

Maths 3: Wednesday 24th February

26.2.21 Music Lesson 1

Reading for pleasure chapter 11

English for Wednesday

24.2.21 Reading Lesson

RE: Wednesday 24th February

Maths 4: Thursday 25th February

25.2.21 Reading Lesson

Thursday's English 25.2.21

25.2.21 Art lesson 1

Friday 26.2.21 English

26.2.21 Reading Lesson 5

Introduction to Term 3 Week 6

Big Write Friday 12th February

History: Friday 12th February

History: Thursday 11th February

Thursday 11th February English

English for Wednesday 10th February

Maths 3: Wednesday 10th February

RE lesson 10.2.21

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Maths 1: Monday 8th February

Guided reading Chapter 5

Monday's English 8.2.21

History: Monday 8th February

Maths 2: Tuesday 9th February

PSHE Tuesday 9th February

Chapter 6

Tuesday's English 9.2.21

Introduction to Week 5 Learning

Science investigation

Chapter 4

Thursday's English lesson

History: Friday 5th February

Maths 4: Thursday 4th February

RE: Wednesday 3rd February

Maths 2: Tuesday 2nd February

English - Tuesday 2nd February

PSHE Tuesday 2nd February

Reading Chapter 2

Reading Chapter 3

English: 1st February

Monday 1st February: Maths 1

Monday 1st February: History 1


Science - Blood!

Part 4 of the story

Story part 3/4

Story part 2/4

Story part 1 out of 4

Friday's English 29.1.21

Thursday's English lesson 28.1.21

Introduction to week 4 of remote learning

Maths1: Monday 25th January

Monday 25th January - Big Write Biography

History: Monday 25th January

Maths 2: Tuesday 26th January

PSHE 3 - The influence of the media

English: Wednesday 27th January Drama

RE: Wednesday 27th January

Maths 4: Thursday 28th January

Introduction to the Week: w/c 18th January

Big Write: Monday 18th January

Maths 1: Monday 18th January

Understanding Percentages

Maths 2: Tuesday 19th January

Finding percentages of amounts

English Interview clips: Tuesday 19th January

PSHE: Tuesday 19th January

English: Wednesday 20th onwards

3 Minutes Thursday 12 Minutes Friday

Maths 3: Wednesday 20th January

Finding percentages of amounts

Thursday 21st January: Science - The heart

Friday 22nd January : DT

Wednesday 13th January: History

Thursday 14th January: Maths 4

Dividing fractions by integers

Wednesday 13th January: Maths 3

Multiplying fractions by integers

Welcome and Monday Big Write lesson (11.1.21)

Help video for Big Write 11.1.21

Monday 11th January: Maths 1

Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Monday 11th January: RE

DT lesson - evaluating existing products

Thursday 14th January Science

Friday 15th January: English Video

Tuesday's English lesson 12.1.21

Thursday 14.1.21 English lesson

Maths: Problem Solving 1st Dec

Looking at the methods and answers to the questions on page 16, in your KS2 Maths book from yesterday. Exploring further problem solving today.

Guided Reading Tuesday 1.12

Tuesday 1st December - English

Guided Reading Monday 30.11


Maths: Problem Solving 30th Nov

Looking through the answers to Page 15 of multiples, factors and primes. Exploring our new learning of problem solving and using RUCSAC to help us.

Monday 30th November English

Guided Reading Friday 27.11

Maths: Prime Numbers 27th Nov

Looking back over the answers from yesterday’s Factor challenges and exploring Prime numbers. Page 15 in your KS2 Maths Book.

War Horse Chapter 8

PSHE Circle time

Friday's English Challenge :)

War Horse Chapter 7

Music - Thursday

English - Thursday 26th November

Guided Reading Thursday 26.11

Maths: Factors 26th Nov

Looking at the answers from yesterday’s multiples challenges and exploring our new learning of Factors.

Guided Reading Wednesday 25.11

Maths: Multiples 25th Nov

Looking at the answers from yesterday’s BODMAS learning and exploring our new learning of multiples.

History: Animals in War 25th Nov

Examining the role of animals in World War One. It will be helpful to complete this lesson before English today.

War Horse Chapter 6

Wednesday 25th November - English

It will be very helpful if you listen to chapter 6 of War Horse and do the History lesson before this session. :)

Guided Reading Tuesday 24.11

War Horse Chapter 5

Tuesday 24th November - Science

Tuesday 24th November - English

Maths: BODMAS continued 24th Nov

Video looking at the answers from page 14 yesterday and exploring more BODMAS problems today.

Guided Reading Monday 23.11

RE: What does it mean if God is holy and loving?

Link to the cathedral tour below.

Maths: BODMAS 23rd Nov

Discussing the answers to Long Division from Friday and exploring our new learning of BODMAS. BODMAS help sheet is located on the class pages in the Remote Learning folder.

English lesson 23.11.20

War Horse Chapter 4

War Horse Chapter 3

War Horse Chapter 2

War Horse Chapter 1